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Lời bài hát Those I've Loved - IFIJ7LND

Those I’ve Loved - Eric Church ZWZA7CEU
Bài hát: Those i’ve loved
Ca sĩ: eric church

I remember waitin’
By the curb with mr. murphy

When daddy picked me up
From school his eyes were red

We drove to the
Hospital in a hurry

Where my family gathered
Round my grandpa’s bed

He was my best friend

He taught me how to fish

And i cried listenin
To my daddy pray

For one of those
I’ve loved along the way

She had a ribbon in her hair
The day i met her

That whole next year

We couldn’t get enough

And after graduation
She took off for denver

And for awhile we both
Tried to keep in touch

She was my best friend

And it broke my heart

But i don’t regret

The day that she became

One of those i’ve
Loved along the way

And i hope they know

I never woulda made
It this far on my own

Where would we all
Be without those
Fathers and mothers

Sisters and brothers

The friends i’ve made

The long lost lovers

I wouldn’t be who i am today

If not for those
I’ve loved along the way

Along the way

Now i’m just a country
Boy with a guitar

Lookin’ back down this old road
I’ve been travelin’ on

It was never about tryin’
To be some big star

For me it’s always
Been about these songs

You see they’re
My best friends

They’re the life i live

And i hope they put
A smile on the face

Of those that i’ve loved
Along the way

‘cause i wouldn’t be
The man i am today

If not for those i’ve loved

Along the way

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